Mounting the Filters & Membrane
STEP 5: Mounting the Filters &
STEP 5: Mounting the Filters &
Screw the fi lters onto the mounting head starting from
left to right in the order listed below, match ing the fi l ter
label to the respective position la beled on the mount ing
Important: Remove the black protective cap from the
mem brane before screwing in place.
PreFilter Carbon Membrane PostFilter
AWP5605 AWP5633 RO-QCM50 AWP56
05 AWP5633 RO-QCM50
STEP 6: Tubing Connection
STEP 6: Tubing Connection
For RO Systems, determine the location for the storage
tank. A maximum distance from tank to faucet is 15
feet. The fastest fl ow at the faucet can be achieved
by minimizing the length of the tubing from tank to
For ease of installation all tubing is
individually labelled and colour coded .
1/4” Red -
Connects the feed water valve to the
pre-fi lter.
3/8” Blue -
Connects the RO membrane
product port to the stor age tank.
1/4” Black -
Connects the membrane brine port to
the drain connector.
3/8” White -
Connects the postfi lter to the
3/8” Black -
Connects faucet to drain saddle under
Fittings and Tubing
Fittings and Tubing
John Guest™ fi ttings are used throughout the system.
To insure an optimal seal, tubing should be cut with the
end square. An angled cut or distortion of the tubing will
not provide an effi cient seal and may cause leaks.
To install a tube, push it through the collet until it seats
fi rmly. To remove a tube, push in the collet and pull out
the tube.
STEP 7: Activating System for the First
STEP 7: Activating System for the First
Make sure all water supply/drain lines are secure and
free from leakage.
Slowly turn the saddle valve counterclockwise until fully
open. Check stem seal for leakage. If necessary tighten
stem nut lightly.
Turn storage tank valve one quar ter turn counterclockwise
to open the valve (the handle should be in line with the
tubing as it enters the connection).
Open the product water faucet and let the water fl ow until
all the air has been expelled from the system. This will
take about an hour for an RO system.
Close the product water faucet. In 30 minutes, check the
con nec tions for leaks and correct if necessary.