5. QTV
In the Channel list, go on the Channel that you want to lock and press the blue button (Set Lock)
and a padlock icon will pop up next to the name of the channel (it means the channel is locked):
If you want to go to a channel locked it will require a password, this password is 0000 by default.
If you want to unlock a channel locked, press the blue button. HOW TO CREATE fAVORITEs GROUPs
In the Channel List, go on the Channel you want to add to the Favorite group and press FAV
button in the RCU.
If there are some favorite groups, you just need to select and press OK button, a heart icon will
pop up next to the name of the channel (it means the channel is in one favorite group):
If is the first time, you will have to create a group and press the blue button to Save & Exit.