The set point of the thermostat or chamber temperature stability can be affected by changes in ambient (room) temperature
and/or equipment running in close proximity (crea�ng micro climates) or cycling on the same electrical circuit. Take �me to
see how unit loca�on or changes in room temperature from seasonal hea�ng or air condi�oning may influence the
incubator's set temperature.
For best chamber temperature stability, keep the ambient temperature stable.
Quincy Lab, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser that this product will be free from defects in mate-
rial and workmanship under normal use throughout the warranty period. The standard warranty period
for this instrument is eighteen months from date of shipment. The instrument warranty is supplemented
with a three year warranty on the heating element. Please refer to your invoice or shipping documents
to determine the active warranty period. This warranty covers parts & labor (labor at factory only) and
shipping cost for replacement parts.
Limited Warranty
Technical Support
Quincy Lab, Inc.
109 Shore Dr.,
Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527
If you have any ques�ons or need technical assistance, contact Quincy Lab techincal support for further assistance or visit us
on the web at
To clean interior and exterior surfaces, use a damp cloth with or without an all-purpose cleaner. Avoid commercially available
oven cleaners. The acrylic door should only be cleaned using a lint-free cloth, with or without water. Paper towels can mar
the surface of the acrylic door. Use of any commercial cleansers on the acrylic door will cause crazing and cracking of the
surface of the acrylic over �me
Periodically check the temperature stability (with the unit empty of contents), by observing the
temperature through several cycles of the thermostat. (See also Important Opera�onal Notes above).
• If liquid is spilled inside the unit, disconnect it from the power supply and have it checked by a competent person.
• It is the user’s responsibility to carry out the appropriate decontamina�on if hazardous material is spilled on or inside the unit.
• It is the user’s responsibility not to use decontamina�on or cleaning agents that could cause a hazard as a result of a reac�on
with parts of the equipment or with material contained in it.
If unsure of the compa�bility of decontamina�on or cleaning agents consult the manufacturer.
Important Opera�onal Notes:
The unit's minimum opera�ng temperature is largely determined by ambient (room) temperature.
The unit can operate 2°C above room temperature but temperature stability will be degraded.
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
FIG. 8
Addi�onal Notes:
Adjus�ng the opera�onal temperature range of the unit for
non-typical ambient conditions
can be
done by adjus�ng the calibra�on trim screw located recessed in the sha�, behind the knob dial. If a
temperature range shi� is necessary, contact Quincy Lab for instruc�ons.
The unit’s stability improves appreciably for se�ngs that exceed ambient by 4°C or be�er. Also, the
lower the ambient temperature the lower the maximum adjustable opera�ng temperature.