QuiltCut Strip Savvy Square Up QC2-SU Quick Start Manual Download Page 4

4. Make addi�onal cuts at desired widths.

Figure 4:  Cutting Squares and Rectangles from Strips

Position of strips just before second pass

1. Posi�on strips to le� of ruler’s Ver�cal “0” Slot.

2. Visually align strips with horizontal lines on ruler.

ver�cal “0”

cu�ng slot

3. Make first cut at Ver�cal “0” Slot.

Squares/rectangles after second pass

Page 4

¼" Increment Strips

You can also cut strips in increments of ¼


.  Cu�ng strips in ¼


 increments requires two cu�ng passes.  In the first pass, you cut strips

at twice the final strip width.  Then you adjust your ruler over the fabric, move it ¼


 to the right, and cut the ini�al strips in half.

The ¼


 Strip Reference Table shown below iden�fies where to make your first and second pass cuts based on your final strip width.


First Pass:

-  Find your strip width in the ¼


 Strip Reference Table.

-  Make your first pass cuts.  Start with the Ver�cal “0” Slot.  Then, cut the slots listed in the “First Pass Cu�ng Slots” column.


Second Pass:

-  Li� the ruler without disturbing the fabric.  It is important strips cut in the first pass remain sta�onary as you li� the ruler!

-  Clear away the le�most remnant of fabric from the Ver�cal “0” Cu�ng Slot.

-  Move the ruler to the right, aligning the trimmed le� edge of the fabric with the dashed ver�cal ¼


 Second Cut Adjust Line.

-  For your second pass, skip the Ver�cal “0” Slot.  Instead, cut only the slots listed in the “Second Pass Cu�ng Slots” column.

Cu�ng Strips into Squares and Rectangles

Cu�ng squares and rectangles requires two passes.  First you cut strips with a width equal to the size of your square or width of

your rectangle.  Then you rotate the strips you just made by 90° and cut them into squares or rectangles.


First Pass:

-  Prepare and posi�on your fabric to cut strips.

-  Start with a cut at the Ver�cal “0” Slot.  Then cut strips that have a width equal to the width of your square or rectangle.
Second Pass:

-  Li� the ruler.

-  Rotate the cut fabric strips 90°.  You may alterna�vely rotate the ruler or cu�ng mat.  If you rotate the cut fabric strips, lay


them horizontally on the cu�ng mat in parallel rows.  

See Figure 4


-  Place the ruler on top of the strips.

-  Align the le� edges just to the le� of the Ver�cal “0” Slot and visually align the top edge of each strip with the nearest


horizontal line of the ruler.

-  Start the second pass cuts at the Ver�cal “0” Slot.  Make addi�onal cuts equal to the length of the square or rectangle







