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First of all, consult your engine manual and follow the instructions on mounting.
Place the engine on the transom, well centred, on the
bow-stern axis of thecraft.
For the best outboard engine performance, it is essential
to position it at thecorrect transom height. Most engines
can be directly fitted on transom, providing that its
cavitation plate "A" remains 10 mm below the keel "B".
If the engine is positioned too high, the propeller will take
in too much air and if it is too low, it will take too much
water, resulting in loss of power in both cases.
Sometimes, it could be necessary either to increase height by means of a skid,
or to cut the transom height.
Tighten clamp screws securely. It is advisable to tie the
clamping handles to each other with a line "A" to prevent
the engine vibration loosening them while underway.
As a supplementary precaution, tie off the engine with a
safety line "B" to a strong point on the transom.
When fixing the engine to the craft by bolts, you will have
to drill two holes through the transom. Make sure you place
the large washers on the insideface of the transom.
On some bigger R.I.B’s it may be necessary to offset the engine, please consult your engine
manual or Ocean Runner dealer.
IMPORTANT! All holes drilled through the transom must be properly sealed to prevent water penetrating
into the grain of the plywood, resulting in serious damage.
All double hull semi-rigid Valiant craft have reinforced decks using a multilaminate marine-ply "A" which
permits the fixing of accessories on whatever part of the deck the client may wish.
If the accessory is not already drilled, drill holes
around the flange, one in each corner and the rest
of holes at 150 mm centres, using a 5,5 mm drill.
Fit the accessory in the correct position taking into
account an equal weight distribution and the length
of steering cables. The seats will be fitted behind the
console allowing enough room for easy entry.