Source Unbalanced Phono 2 Core cable
Mains O n- Off Switching and level
On-Off switching is provided by a rocker switch on the rear panel. Intelligent circuitry ensures
noiseless power-on and power off.
The output devices of the internal power amplifiers are mounted onto an internal heatsink,
which heats up and reaches temperatures well above that of ambient. The design is such that
no forced cooling is necessary, provided sufficient free space can be maintained around the
cabinet to allow the air to circulate freely. The internal circuitry monitors temperature to
maintain its safe operating area. Should this detect unsafe temperatures, output is muted to
protect the amplifier. You will need to turn the unit off and on to reset the protection. This
only work if the amplifiers temperature has fallen within its safe working threshold.
Front Panel Indicators
A multi function LED is mounted behind the LOGO badge on the front of the cabinet. On
initial turn on the LED will flash green this indicates that the amplifier is warming up (see