DL4300 Appliance
Troubleshooting connections to the Universal Recovery Console
encounter difficulties connecting to the Universal Recovery Console to complete the restore, and if you need to
repair startup problems with the restored machine.
You can perform the following tasks:
Parent topic
Related tasks
See also:
See also:
Starting a restored target server
See also:
Related references
See also:
Troubleshooting connections to the Universal Recovery Console
Viewing the recovery progress
Complete the steps in this procedure to view the progress of restoring data from a recovery point (including bare
metal restore) initiated from the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
1. After you initiate the process restoring data from a recovery point, while the task is in process, you can view
its progress from the Running Tasks drop-down menu on the Core Console.
2. Optionally, you can view detailed information in the Events page. Fore more information about monitoring
Rapid Recovery events, see
Viewing tasks, alerts, and events
Parent topic
Starting a restored target server
Complete the steps in this procedure to start the restored target server.
Before starting the restored target server, you should verify that the recovery was successful. For
This task is a step in
Performing a bare metal restore for Windows machines
. It is part of the process for
1. On the target server, verify that the Rapid Recovery Universal Recovery Console is active.
2. Eject the boot CD (or disconnect physical media with the boot CD image) from the restored server.
3. In the Universal Recovery Console, click the Power menu icon at the top of the screen, and then click
4. Specify to start the operating system normally.
5. Log on to the machine. The system should be restored to the state captured in the recovery point.
Parent topic
Troubleshooting connections to the Universal Recovery
recovery point and initiating a BMR