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Launching a bare metal restore for Linux
Launching a bare metal restore for Linux
Before launching a bare metal restore (BMR) for a Linux machine, the following conditions are required:
To restore a recovery point saved on the Core, you must have the appropriate hardware in place. For more information,
Prerequisites for performing a bare metal restore for a Linux machine
The BMR destination Linux machine must be started using the Live DVD boot image. For more information, see
The number of volumes on the Linux machine to be restored must match the number of volumes in the recovery point.
You must also decide whether to restore from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, or from the command line using
local_mount. For more information, see
If restoring from the Core Console UI, the first step in launching a BMR is to select the appropriate recovery point,
then initiate the restore to the hardware by specifying the IP address and temporary password you obtained from the
Universal Recovery Console. You must then map the drives and start the restore.
Performing a bare metal restore for Linux machines
To launch a BMR from the Rapid Recovery Core Console, perform the following tasks.
Selecting a recovery point and initiating a BMR
About disk mapping for a bare metal restore
If restoring from the command line using the local_mount utility, then you must first set appropriate privileges,
mount volumes, execute local_mount, obtain information about the Core from the list of machines, connect to the
core, obtain a list of recovery points, select the recovery point you want to roll back onto bare metal, and launch
the restore.
Optionally, you may want to start the Screen utility.
To launch a BMR from the command line, perform the following tasks.
Launching a bare metal restore for a Linux machine using the command line
Parent topic
Starting the Screen utility
Included on the Live DVD is Screen, a utility which is available when you boot from the Live DVD into the
Universal Recovery Console. Screen allows users to manage multiple shells simultaneously over a single Secure
Shell (SSH) session or console window. This allows you to perform one task in a terminal window (such as verify
mounted volumes) and, while that is running, open or switch to another shell instance to perform another task
(such as to run the local_mount utility).
The Screen utility also has its own scroll-back buffer, which enables you to scroll the screen to view larger
amounts of data, such as a list of recovery points.
This utility is provided for convenience; use of the Screen utility is optional.
The screen utility starts on the machine booted with the Live DVD by default. However, if you have closed this
application, you must start the Screen utility from the Live DVD using the procedure below.
1. If the machine was booted from the Live DVD, then in the terminal window, type screen and press Enter.
The Screen utility starts.
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