DL4300 Appliance
About disk mapping for a bare metal restore
While Rapid Recovery supports FAT32 and ReFS partitions, at present, only full restore and
BMR are supported as a driver limitation exists with ReFS, so restore is implemented in user mode, VM
export, and so on. If a Core is protecting at least one agent volume that contains the ReFS file system,
it should be installed on Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, or Windows
Server 2012 R2 machines, which provide native support of ReFS. Otherwise, functionality is limited and
operations that involve such things as mounting a volume image do not work. The Rapid Recovery Core
Console presents applicable error messages in these occurrences.
Bare metal restore of Storage Spaces disks configuration (a feature of Windows 8.1) is not
supported. For details, see the Dell Data Protection | Rapid Recovery Installation and Upgrade Guide.
This task is a step in
Performing a bare metal restore for Windows machines
. It is part of the process for
Universal Recovery Console for a BMR
If performing a BMR for a Linux machine from the Core Console, then this task is also a step in
metal restore for Linux machines
. It is part of the process for
Launching a bare metal restore for Linux
Parent topic
Automatically mapping disks for a BMR
This procedure lets you automatically map disks during a bare metal restore (BMR) using the Restore Machine
Complete the steps in the following procedure to automatically select the volumes you want to recover and where
to restore them.
1. On the Disk Mapping page of the Restore Machine Wizard, next to Volume mapping, select Automatic from
the drop-down menu.
2. In the left table, verify that the appropriate volumes are listed and are selected.
Typically for a BMR, you should restore, at minimum, the system reserved volume and the
system volume (usually, but not always, the C:\ volume). You must select at least one volume to
perform a BMR.
3. In the right table, select the disk or disks to which you want to map volumes on the target machine.
4. Click Next.
5. On the Disk Mapping Preview page, review the mapping of the recovery point volumes and the destination
volume for the restore.
6. To begin the restore, click Finish.
If you select Begin Restore, all existing partitions and data on the target drive are
permanently removed and replaced with the contents of the selected recovery point, including the
operating system and all data.
Parent topic
Manually mapping disks for a BMR
This procedure describes how to designate which disks should be stored in which locations on the restored
To manually map disks, you must first use DiskPart on the Command Line on the BMR target machine to create
and format target volumes. For more information, see
DiskPart Command-Line Options (Standard 7 SP1)
Microsoft Developer Network.
Complete the steps in the following procedure to manually select the volumes you want to recover and where to
restore them.
1. On the Disk Mapping page of the Restore Machine Wizard, next to Volume mapping, select Manual from
the drop-down menu.