7. Replacement of Ba0eries / End-of-life
Low Ba0eries
Type of Alarm
Sound Emi5ed
DigitalLCDScreen Lb
Red flashes every 60 seconds
Chirp every 60 seconds
Slide alarm from back-plate.
Insert 3 x replacement ‘AA’ ba5eries
(no4ng polarity – see sketch)
Replace back-plate and test the alarm
Duracell MN1500, MX1500
Gold Peak 15A
Golden Power GLR6A
Energizer E91
Under normal opera4ng condi4ons, the ba5eries will last a minimum of one year. These ba5eries
can be purchased from your local retailer.
End-of-life - This alarm will chirp every 30 seconds with a red LED flash a%er at least 10 years
opera4on to let you know it has reached its end of life. A replacement needs to be purchased.
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