UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA UGxx FTP AT Commands Manual
WCDMA_UGxx_FTP_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 9 / 44
5. The module only supports three PDP contexts activated simultaneously, so you must make sure the
number of activated PDP contexts is less than 3.
If the result of checking is OK, but the result of executing AT+QIACT command still fails, please reboot the
module to resolve this issue. After rebooting the module, please follow the above checking at least three
times and each time at an interval of 10 minutes to avoid frequently rebooting of the module.
1.4.3. DNS Parse Fails
When executing AT+QFTPOPEN command, if “+QFTPOPEN: 604,0” is returned, please check the
following aspects:
1. Make sure the domain name of FTP server is valid.
Query the status of PDP context by executing “AT+QIACT?” command to make sure the specified
PDP context has been activated successfully.
1.4.4. Error Response of FTP Server
If the <protocol_error> in
“+QFTPXX: <err>,<protocol_error>” is not 0, it is replied from FTP server. You
can check the issues depending on the protocol error code. For example, if <protocol_error> is 533 (Not
login, refer to Chapter 5), <username> or <password> may be wrong. If <protocol_error> is 550 (Request
failed, refer to Chapter 5), the file or directory may not exist. For details, you can refer to the document
RFC959 (File Transfer Protocol).