GNSS Module Series
L86 EVB User Guide
L86_EVB_User_Guide Confidential / Released 16 / 20
Install Device Driver
Please note that you need to install the driver of Micro-USB when using Micro-USB for data
communication. The driver has been stored in our FTP server. The driver of CP210x can also be
downloaded from internet. The download path of our FTP server is shown as below:
Overseas customer:
/d:/FTP/OC/Overseas_Technical/Overseas_Module Official Documents/GNSS
Module/Common/04 Tool Kit/ GNSS_EVB_Micro-USB_Driver_CP210x.
Domestic customer:
/d:/FTP/CC/Domestic_Technical/Domestic_Module Official Documents/GNSS
Module/Common/04 Tool Kit/ GNSS_EVB_Micro-USB_Driver_CP210x.