LTE-A Module Series
EP06&EG06&EM06 DFOTA User Guide
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4.2. Important Note
The URC of +QIND: "FOTA","START" indicates the firmware upgrade process really starts. If the Ext.
MCU receives this URC after executing AT+QFOTADL command, please
do NOT power off the module
until the firmware is upgraded successfully and +QIND: "FOTA","END",0 is received. Then the module will
reboot and enter into normal mode automatically.
During upgrading process, if the Ext. MCU does not receive any URC in four minutes after the last URC is
returned, then the module can be rebooted.
Meanwhile, it is recommended to set a flag on Ext. MCU to mark the task of the firmware upgrading and
clean it after successful upgrading.