LTE-A Module Series
EM12-G Hardware Design
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7.3. Design Effect Drawings of the Module
Figure 32: Top View of the Module
These are design effect drawings of EM12-G module. For more accurate pictures, please refer to the
module that you get from Quectel.
7.4. M.2 Connector
EM12-G adopts a standard PCI Express M.2 connector which compiles with the directives and standards
listed in the
document [4]
7.5. Barcode Rule
PN (Q1-A2449)
printed on the label is fixed for Quectel.
For the
shown in the top view, the first two digits indicate project stage. For example, “D1” means
DVT1. The next one digit indicates the code of the factory where the module is manufactured. The next