NB-IoT Module Series
BC95 AT Commands Manual
BC95_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 48 / 58
4.16. AT+NPING Test IP Network Connectivity To A Remote Host
This command sends an ICMP packet to the specified host address. Refer to
Chapter 6
for possible
<err> values.
AT+NPING initiates the sending of a PING packet to the specified address. This will either cause a packet
to be returned if the remote system is connected and responding to PING packets or no response will be
received. A maximum of 1 ping attempts will be tried. If none of the packets receive a response within the
timeout period, an error will be raised.
If a response is received, the unsolNPING message will be returned. If no response is received the
+NPINGERR unsolicited response will be returned with an error value.
Neul Hi2110 Implementation
IP addresses can be specified in decimal, octal or hexadecimal notation.
4.17. AT+NBAND Set Supported Bands
This command restricts the set of bands to be used. Refer to
Chapter 6
for possible <err> values.
AT+NPING Test IP Network Connectivity To A Remote Host
Set Command
+NPINGERR: <err>
Address of system sending the message
A dot notation IP address
Number of packets sent before a response was received
TTL in the response packet
Elapsed time in msec from packet sent to response received
An integer value to provide some information on why the ping request failed
No response from remote host within timeout period
Failed to send ping request