Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
2.1 IC-Socket
The circuit board has to lie on a flat and clean base. The IC-Socket has to be put through
the circuit board from the placement side.
All IC-Sockets have a mark (notch) for the mounting direction. This mark is shown too in
the white labelling, how you can see in Figure 4.
After putting the socket in the circuit board it is still not fixed and can fall out while turning
the board. Hold the socket before turning the board. By bending two opposing pins on the
bottom side, the socket can't fall out. (see Figure 5).
Tip for advanced users:
Also you can put in all sockets together and hold them together with a piece of
paperboard. If circuit and paperboard is hold together the complete “sandwich” can we
turned. The paperboard is lying on the table. Hold the circuit board and pull out the
paperboard carefully.
This procedure needs sensitiveness, but it make the bending of the pins unnecessary and
leads to a faster result.
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Figure 4: Mounting direction of the IC-Sockets