Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 ARTC
Kit Assembly
2.2 Battery
Now it is time to mount and solder the Lithium-Battery on the circuit board.
The battery is supplying the real time clock with power, when the PiXtend system is
switched off. This is important that the system still has the right time and date after
switching on the Raspberry Pi.
Stick the battery in the intended holes of the circuit board. The component has on one side
two, and on the other side only one solder tail. Because of it is not possible to plug it with
switched polarity.
As next the circuit board has to be turned and the battery hold that it doesn't fall out.
Now the component can be soldered on the bottom side. For now solder only one pin, so
the battery can be adjusted. The Battery should neatly lie on the board ( especially
important if later the PiXtend- stainless steal housing is getting mounted).
After the adjusting the rest of the pins can be soldered.
The result after the soldering is showing figure 7.
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Figure 7: Battery mounted