Page 1: ...g temperature _15 65 c Sensor 3 axis MEMS gyro and 3 axis MEMS aceeleóomeler Conlrol accuracy 0 02 Angle eontrol range 135 90 Iilt 45 45 rall Compatíble camera systems FPV Tumigy ActionCam GoPro Hero 3 Series Size 114 3mm x 97 5mm x 106 6mm L x W x H Weigh 188g without eamera To ensure correct operation the camera system rnust be fitted and seeured 10 lhe gimbal prior to power up and calibralion T...
Page 2: ...ght of camera you wil1 be recureo to adjusllhe parameters accord g 10lhe Ioad cooditi lns Under lhe heavier load conditions when the motor output power íocrêases OU lIlIlSi redoce the motor control gain When the motor outpu decreases due io Ioad voo canappropriatety increase the control gain Therefore when l1e pawef is CCfieCI by iocreasing lhe molor power you can ootaín larger control gain and if...
Page 3: channet be connected Connect with receiver Blue LED keeps solid Receiver rolling channel can be conne EnterPAM Red bluelyellow LED flashes Enter PAM settings quic dy 1 simullaneously Red LED flashes Enter tilt motor output power and gain quicklylslowly control adjustmenl nl Molor OUIPU Blue LED lighl 0111 Power and Gain P contral knob is not centered ContraI Adjusting keeps solidl flash Yellow ...