Quantum Scalar 218 Overview Download Page 6

Scalar 218


Theory of Operation




Service Procedure

 63-1181-01 Rev A




Operator Panel 


Operator Panel

 includes an eight-key keypad and a 4-line by 20-character scrollable LCD display. 

The keypad and display provide a means for the operator to change operating parameters of the 218, such 
as the SCSI ID of the robotics. Additionally, an Off-Line Diagnostics Menu is available via the 



, through which a qualified technician can examine error, event, and operation logs, perform manual 

pick and place operations, and calibrate the location of the 

Media Picker

. The 

Operator Panel


interfaces to the Controller PCB. 

Cartridge Sensors 

Mounted beneath each of the 18 cartridge storage slots, the 

Cartridge Sensors

 monitor cartridge 

presence. The contents of the 218 (inventory) can quickly be determined by polling these sensors. 

Door Open Sensor 

The sliding access door open sensor alerts the 

Motion Processor 

of the door's position (opened or 

closed). If the door is opened during On-Line Mode operation, a SCSI UNIT ATTENTION message is 
sent to the host. It is up to the software application running on the host to handle this condition with the 
proper routine. If the door is opened while the 218 is performing a pick and place operation, the 



automatically causes all 

Media Picker 

motion to stop. 

Drive Assembly Section 

One or two drive assemblies may be mounted in the 

Drive Assembly Section

. The drive assemblies 

respond to operating commands, and communicate directly with the host computer’s SCSI channel. Each 
drive assembly receives operating voltages from the 

Power Supply Section

 of the 218. The only other 

interface between an assembly and the 218 is the drive assembly multiplexer (Mux) card. The 218 
monitors the drive assembly status through the Drive Mux Bus (see 

Door Open Stepper




Power Supply Section 


Power Supply Section

 contains 2 separate power supplies. 

80 watt Switching Supply 

The 80 watt switching supply is mounted in the 

Power Supply Section

. It provides the operating voltages 

for DLT drives 1 and 2. 

50 watt Switching Supply 

The 50 watt switching supply, mounted in the 

Power Supply Section

, provides operating voltages to the 

remainder of the 218. 
