QXS Site Planning Guide
To ensure redundancy, provide two separate power sources for the chassis . These power sources
must be independent of each other, and each must be controlled by a separate circuit breaker at
the power distribution point.
The system requires voltages within minimum fluctuation. The customer-supplied facilities’
voltage must maintain a voltage within the range specified on the equipment’s electrical rating
label. The customer facilities must also provide suitable surge protection.
Site wiring must include an earth ground connection to the DC power source. Grounding must
comply with local, national, or other applicable government codes and regulations.
Power circuits and associated circuit breakers must provide sufficient power and overload
Weight and Placement Guidelines
Weight and placement guidelines include:
Refer to the rackmount bracket kit installation guide pertaining to your product for guidelines
about installing chassis into the rack.
When installing chassis into the rack, populate from the bottom position and move upwards for
optimal rack stability.
The weight of an chassis depends on the number and type of modules installed.
Ideally, use two people to lift a chassis. However, one person can safely lift an chassis if its weight
is reduced by removing the power supplies and drive modules.
Do not place chassis in a vertical position. Always install and operate the chassis in a horizontal
When installing chassis in a rack, make sure that any surfaces over which you might move the rack
can support the weight. To prevent accidents when moving equipment, especially on sloped
loading docks and up ramps to raised floors, ensure you have a sufficient number of helpers.
Remove obstacles such as cables and other objects from the floor.
To prevent the rack from tipping, and to minimize personnel injury in the event of a seismic
occurrence, securely anchor the rack to a wall or other rigid structure that is attached to both the
floor and to the ceiling of the room.
Electrical Guidelines
Electrical guidelines include:
These chassis work with single-phase power systems having an earth ground connection. To
reduce the risk of electric shock, do not plug an chassis into any other type of power system.
Contact your facilities manager or a qualified electrician if you are not sure what type of
power is supplied to your building.
Chassis are shipped with a grounding-type (three-wire) power cord. To reduce the risk of electric
shock, always plug the cord into a grounded power outlet.
Do not use household extension cords with the chassis. Not all power cords have the same current
ratings. Household extension cords do not have overload protection and are not meant for use
with computer systems.