Appendix 3: Example Script: Temperature Ramping
The following is an example of a script file. Scripts may be used to automate complex functions such as the
three-old ramping illustrated here. Any text that is not enclosed by square brackets ( [ ] ) is completely
ignored by the script processor, permitting the extensive commenting. When this script was executed by the
QNW Serial Control program (described in Appendix 2) the time/temperature data in the plot that follows the
script listing was obtained.
Controller Script
Interval = .6 Set the time interval between commands to .6 seconds.
Initial Setup
Prevent appearance of a warning dialog that may block script
execution if a main window button or control is used.
[F1 PX +]
Display probe temperature to 0.01 °C precision.
[F1 TT S 10.00]
Set Target Temperature to 10 °C.
[F1 TC +]
Turn on Temperature Control.
[F1 CT +30]
Report current cuvette holder temperature periodically.
[F1 PT +30]
Report probe temperature periodically.
[*LTT -]
Do not list target temperature returns in script window.
[*LCT -]
Do not list current temperature returns in script window.
[*LPT -]
Do not list probe temperature returns in script window.
[*MSG - This script requires pre-equilibration to 10 °C. Click OK when
satisfactory equilibration has been achieved]
Waits for the user to respond
Clear time/temperature displays and reset time to zero
Collect temperatures for 5 minutes.
First Ramp to 40 at 4 °C/min:
[F1 RT S 40]
Set Ramping Temperature Interval to 0.40 °C.
[F1 RS S 6]
Set Ramping Time Interval to 6 seconds.
Ramping rate will be 4 °C/min (0.4 °C/ 0.1 min).
[F1 PT -]
Stop reporting probe temperature periodically.
[F1 PA +]
Turn on Automatic Probe temperature report
[F1 PA S 2.0] Set Automatic Probe temperature report to every 2.0 °C.
[*BPT +]
Turn on the option for computer to beep each time a probe
temperature report is received.
[F1 TT S 40.00]
Set Target Temperature to 40 °C, to start ramping
Wait until the ramp parameter reaches 40 °C.
Second Ramp to 45 at 0.2 °C/min:
[F1 RT S 4]
Set Ramping Temperature Interval to .04 °C.
[F1 RS S 12]
Set Ramping Time Interval to 12 seconds.