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Fireball CR 



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Special Considerations


Hard drives greater than 2.1GB may need to be divided into multiple partitions / logical drives. MS-DOS versions 
4.0 through 6.22 allow a maximum primary partition / logical drive size of 2.1GB and are limited to 8.4GB in 
physical drive capacity. The file systems supported by Windows-95, Windows-98 and Windows NT are not restricted 
to the 8.4GB physical drive limit, but special BIOS support is required. 

Hard drives greater than 8.4GB in capacity may be restricted to 8.4GB (or less) due to system BIOS limitations, 
operating system limitations, or both. Check with your system manufacturer to determine if your BIOS supports 
the correct extensions for hard drives greater than 8.4GB. 

In order to achieve the Ultra ATA/66 transfer speed, you must have a system and BIOS that will support Ultra 
ATA/66. The correct drivers must be loaded, and an Ultra ATA specific data cable must be used. The Ultra ATA 
cables use the Cable Select method rather than a master / slave scheme, so the drive must be set with a jumper to 
enable Cable Select. 

For further review:  


ATA Configuration Card (Includes Drive Mounting



ATA Installation Flowchart



ATA Installation Guide for Windows NT



ATA Installation Guide for Windows95/98



BIOS Support for logical cylinder values > 4095



DOS/Windows 95 logical drive limitations



Knowledge Base



Ultra ATA/66 Bus Interface



Ultra ATA/66 Compatibility with Award BIOS



Windows NT 4.0 Capacity Issue


