3 Electronics Unit Installation
Quantum Opus nanowire electronics unit is labeled on the front panel “SNSPD Control and
Readout Module” and is abbreviated as “QOELEC” in the instructions below.
The Opus One devices and electronics are sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
Ensure you are properly grounded before changing cable connections of any type. En-
sure that the QOELEC is powered OFF when connecting the SMA cables between the
QOELEC and the Opus One.
Do not overtighten the SMA or optical connectors. Finger-tight connections are recom-
mended for fiber connections. Slightly tighter than finger-tight connections are recom-
mended for SMA connections. Overtightening the connectors may loosen the internal
connectors in the Opus One unit or cause damage to the connectors, damage to cables,
or increased system losses and noise.
Use only the provided double-shielded SMA cables between the Opus One unit and the
QOELEC to reduce the possibility of increased electrically induced noise counts.
3.1 Connecting the electronics to the Opus One
1. With the QOELEC powered OFF, connect the Opus One to the QOELEC using the
provided double-shielded SMA cables.
For each detector, connect one cable from the
“Nanowire” port on a QOELEC channel to the corresponding “Electrical” SMA connector
on the Opus One unit with desired channel number. Tighten the SMA connectors slightly
tighter than finger tight using a small SMA wrench (desired torque should be 0.3 to 0.6
m, 3 to 5 in
2. Attach the provided 9-pin (DB9 male to DB9 female) filter adapter to the DB9 connector
on the back of the QOELEC. Then attach the provided 9-pin cable between the filter and
the “Therm” connector on the rear of the Opus One unit.
3. Connect the provided USB cable between the QOELEC and the computer interface.
4. Connect the spade connector of the provided ground strap to the grounding terminal on
the back of the QOELEC. Use the provided zip ties to strap the free end of the grounding
strap to the stainless tube at the top-rear of the Opus One.