Quantum Instruments Sensor Specification Sheet Download Page 3

Kaniusas, Eugenijus,

 Vienna University of Technology, Austria 

Katake, Anup

, Texas A&M University, USA 

Kausel, Wilfried,

 University of Music, Vienna, Austria 

Kavasoglu, Nese,

 Mugla University, Turkey 




 Tyndall National Institute, Ireland 




 Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India 



Min Young,

 Koh Young Technology, Inc., Korea South 



Sang Choon,

 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 

Korea South 

Kockar, Hakan,

 Balikesir University, Turkey 

Kotulska, Malgorzata, 

Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland 

Kratz, Henrik,

 Uppsala University, Sweden 

Kumar, Arun,

 University of South Florida, USA 

Kumar, Subodh,

 National Physical Laboratory, India 

Kung, Chih-Hsien,

 Chang-Jung Christian University, Taiwan 

Lacnjevac, Caslav,

 University of Belgrade, Serbia 

Laurent, Francis,

 IMEC , Belgium 

Lay-Ekuakille, Aime,

 University of Lecce, Italy 

Lee, Jang Myung,

 Pusan National University, Korea South 

Li, Genxi,

 Nanjing University, China 

Li, Hui,

 Shanghai Jiaotong University, China 

Li, Xian-Fang,

 Central South University, China 

Liang, Yuanchang,

 University of Washington, USA 

Liawruangrath, Saisunee,

 Chiang Mai University, Thailand 

Liew, Kim Meow,

 City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 

Lin, Hermann

, National Kaohsiung University, Taiwan 

Lin, Paul

, Cleveland State University, USA 

Linderholm, Pontus,

 EPFL - Microsystems Laboratory, Switzerland 

Liu, Aihua,

 Michigan State University, USA 

Liu Changgeng,

 Louisiana State University, USA 

Liu, Cheng-Hsien

, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

Liu, Songqin

, Southeast University, China 

Lodeiro, Carlos,

 Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal 

Lorenzo, Maria Encarnacio

, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain 

Ma, Zhanfang,

 Northeast Normal University, China 

Majstorovic, Vidosav,

 University of Belgrade, Serbia 

Marquez, Alfredo,

 Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, 


Matay, Ladislav

, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia 

Mathur, Prafull,

 National Physical Laboratory, India 

Maurya, D.K.,

 Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore 

Mekid, Samir

, University of Manchester, UK 

Mendes, Paulo,

 University of Minho, Portugal 

Mennell, Julie,

 Northumbria University, UK 

Mi, Bin

, Boston Scientific Corporation, USA 

Minas, Graca,

 University of Minho, Portugal 

Moghavvemi, Mahmoud,

 University of Malaya, Malaysia 

Mohammadi, Mohammad-Reza

, University of Cambridge, UK 

Molina Flores, Esteban,

 Benemirita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 


Moradi, Majid,

 University of Kerman, Iran 

Morello, Rosario,

 DIMET, University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, 


Mounir, Ben Ali,

 University of Sousse, Tunisia 

Mukhopadhyay, Subhas

, Massey University, New Zealand 

Neelamegam, Periasamy

, Sastra Deemed University, India 

Neshkova, Milka

, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria 

Oberhammer, Joachim

, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden 

Ould Lahoucin,

 University of Guelma, Algeria 

Pamidighanta, Sayanu,

 Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), India 

Pan, Jisheng,

 Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, Singapore 

Park, Joon-Shik,

 Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea South 

Pereira, Jose Miguel

, Instituto Politecnico de Setebal, Portugal 

Petsev, Dimiter

, University of New Mexico, USA 

Pogacnik, Lea

, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 

Post, Michael,

 National Research Council, Canada 

Prance, Robert,

 University of Sussex, UK 

Prasad, Ambika,

 Gulbarga University, India 

Prateepasen, Asa

, Kingmoungut's University of Technology, Thailand 

Pullini, Daniele

, Centro Ricerche FIAT, Italy 

Pumera, Martin

, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan 

Radhakrishnan, S.

 National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India 

Rajanna, K.,

 Indian Institute of Science, India 

Ramadan, Qasem,

 Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore 

Rao, Basuthkar,

 Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research, India 

Reig, Candid

, University of Valencia, Spain 

Restivo, Maria Teresa,

 University of Porto, Portugal 

Rezazadeh, Ghader,

 Urmia University, Iran 

Robert, Michel

, University Henri Poincare, France 

Rodriguez, Angel

, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain


Rothberg, Steve

, Loughborough University, UK 

Royo, Santiago

, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain 

Sadana, Ajit

, University of Mississippi, USA 

Sandacci, Serghei,

 Sensor Technology Ltd., UK 

Sapozhnikova, Ksenia

, D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Russia 

Saxena, Vibha

, Bhbha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India 

Schneider, John K.,

 Ultra-Scan Corporation, USA 

Seif, Selemani,

 Alabama A & M University, USA 

Seifter, Achim,

 Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA 

Shearwood, Christopher

, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 

Shin, Kyuho

, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea 

Shmaliy, Yuriy

, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 


Silva Girao, Pedro

, Technical University of Lisbon Portugal 

Slomovitz, Daniel

, UTE, Uruguay 

Smith, Martin,

 Open University, UK 

Soleymanpour, Ahmad,

 Damghan Basic Science University, Iran 

Somani, Prakash R.,

 Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology, 


Srinivas, Talabattula,

 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 

Srivastava, Arvind K.,

 Northwestern University 

Stefan-van Staden, Raluca-Ioana

, University of Pretoria, South Africa 

Sumriddetchka, Sarun,

 National Electronics and Computer Technology 

Center, Thailand


Sun, Chengliang,

 Polytechnic University, Hong-Kong 

Sun, Dongming,

 Jilin University, China 

Sun, Junhua,

 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 

Sun, Zhiqiang,

 Central South University, China 

Suri, C. Raman,

 Institute of Microbial Technology, India 

Sysoev, Victor

, Saratov State Technical University, Russia 

Szewczyk, Roman,

 Industrial Research Institute for Automation and 

Measurement, Poland 

Tan, Ooi Kiang,

 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 

Tang, Dianping,

 Southwest University, China 

Tang, Jaw-Luen, 

National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan 

Thumbavanam Pad, Kartik

, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 

Tsiantos, Vassilios

, Technological Educational Institute of Kaval, Greece 

Tsigara, Anna,

 National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece 

Twomey, Karen,

 University College Cork, Ireland 

Valente, Antonio,

 University, Vila Real, - U.T.A.D., Portugal 

Vaseashta, Ashok

, Marshall University, USA 

Vazques, Carmen,

 Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain 

Vieira, Manuela

, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal 

Vigna, Benedetto

, STMicroelectronics, Italy 

Vrba, Radimir

, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic 

Wandelt, Barbara

, Technical University of Lodz, Poland 

Wang, Jiangping,

 Xi'an Shiyou University, China 

Wang, Kedong,

 Beihang University, China 

Wang, Liang

, Advanced Micro Devices, USA 

Wang, Mi,

 University of Leeds, UK 

Wang, Shinn-Fwu,

 Ching Yun University, Taiwan 

Wang, Wei-Chih

, University of Washington, USA 

Wang, Wensheng,

 University of Pennsylvania, USA 

Watson, Steven,

 Center for NanoSpace Technologies Inc., USA 

Weiping, Yan,

 Dalian University of Technology, China 

Wells, Stephen,

 Southern Company Services, USA 

Wolkenberg, Andrzej,

 Institute of Electron Technology, Poland 

Woods, R. Clive

, Louisiana State University, USA 

Wu, DerHo,

 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 


Wu, Zhaoyang,

 Hunan University, China 

Xiu Tao, Ge,

 Chuzhou University, China 

Xu, Tao

, University of California, Irvine, USA 

Yang, Dongfang

, National Research Council, Canada 

Yang, Wuqiang,

 The University of Manchester, UK 

Ymeti, Aurel

, University of Twente, Netherland 

Yu, Haihu, 

Wuhan University of Technology, China 

Yufera Garcia,

 Alberto, Seville University, Spain 

Zagnoni, Michele, 

University of Southampton, UK 

Zeni, Luigi

, Second University of Naples, Italy 

Zhong, Haoxiang,

 Henan Normal University, China 

Zhang, Minglong,

 Shanghai University, China 

Zhang, Qintao,

 University of California at Berkeley, USA 

Zhang, Weiping,

 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 

Zhang, Wenming,

 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 

Zhou, Zhi-Gang

, Tsinghua University, China 

Zorzano, Luis,

 Universidad de La Rioja, Spain 

Zourob, Mohammed

, University of Cambridge, UK 


Sensors & Transducers Journal (ISSN 1726-5479) is a peer review international journal published monthly online by International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA). 
Available in electronic and CD-ROM. Copyright © 2007 by International Frequency Sensor Association. All rights reserved. 

Summary of Contents for Sensor

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...n Chiriac Horia National Institute of Research and Development Romania Chowdhuri Arijit University of Delhi India Chung Wen Yaw Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan Corres Jesus Universidad Publica de Navarra Spain Cortes Camilo A Universidad de La Salle Colombia Courtois Christian Universite de Valenciennes France Cusano Andrea University of Sannio Italy D Amico Arnaldo Università di Tor Vergat...

Page 3: ...e Cataluna Spain Rothberg Steve Loughborough University UK Royo Santiago Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Spain Sadana Ajit University of Mississippi USA Sandacci Serghei Sensor Technology Ltd UK Sapozhnikova Ksenia D I Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology Russia Saxena Vibha Bhbha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai India Schneider John K Ultra Scan Corporation USA Seif Selemani Alabama A M Universit...

Page 4: ...Solid State Piezoelectric Transducer Chemical Sensor for Chromium Ions Contamination in Water Selemani Seif 991 I In nf fl lu ue en nc ce e o of f L Li iq qu ui id d P Pe et tr ro ol le eu um m G Ga as s o on n t th he e E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l P Pa ar ra am me et te er rs s o of f t th he e W WO O3 3 T Th hi ic ck k F Fi il lm m R S Khadayate J V Sali and P P Patil 1001 Synthesis Character...

Page 5: ...sensors are thus expected to reach the market in the coming years Keywords Electrode transducers genetic screening food analysis bioterrorism environment monitoring 1 Introduction Modern economy is technology driven promising revenues that are mind boggling Biosensor is one such product of biotechnology that is becoming increasingly popular in fields like environmental monitoring 1 2 bioterrorism ...

Page 6: ... or intimately associated to the second major component of biosensors that is a transducer via immobilization adsorption cross linking and covalent bonding so that the close proximity of the biological component to the transducer is achieved This is necessary so that the transducer can rapidly and easily generate the specific signals in response to the undergoing biochemical interactions secondly ...

Page 7: ...sensors also offer enormous potential in detecting wide range of analytes that are regularly needed to show a patient s metabolic state especially for those who are hospitalized more so if they are in intensive care Critical care is one of the most challenging and stressful areas of medicine in the sense that the decision makers primarily doctors nurses and ambulance staff must take their decision...

Page 8: ...st recently Luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals or quantum dots QD have been used as labels for bioanalytical applications 34 35 Thermoquenching and extremely high cost are potent disadvantages of Quantum dots and hence generally limited to use in sensitive research experiments There fore large scale routine clinical screening based on gene diagnostics is limited by the current available techno...

Page 9: ...is an uncertain and doubtful strategy Because of this food industry needs instruments which will simultaneously monitor the parameters of production lines and report data to the computer for feedback control Most of the electrodes used in biosensors are often based on the measurement of O2 consumption because there are at least 50 known oxidases acting on fatty acids hydroxy acids sugars amino aci...

Page 10: ... to micro µ level may permit continuous on line monitoring of critical blood chemistries and has the advantage of creating less blood to clean up hence reducing the potential for infectious contamination from patient blood It is anticipated that the health care worker at the bedside of a hospital patient µl aliquot of whole blood directly into the chip and insert the chip into a portable biosensor...

Page 11: ... T Gregory Drummmond Electrochemical DNA sensors Nature Biotechnol 21 2003 pp 1192 1199 11 Robert M Umek Electronic detection of Nucleic acids J of Mol Diagnostics 3 2001 pp 74 84 12 KC Ho CY Chen HC Hsu LC Chen SC Shiesh and XZ Lin Amperometric detection of morphine at a prussian blue modified indium tin oxide electrode Biosens Bioelectron 20 2004 pp 3 8 13 I Ben Dov I Willner and E Zisman Piezoe...

Page 12: ...5 W C Chan and S Nie Quantum dot bioconjugates for ultrasenstive nonisotopic detection Science 281 1998 pp 2008 2016 36 M Minunni S Tombelli R Seielzi I Mnelli C Mascini Mand Gaodiano Detection of β thalassemia by a DNA piezoelectric biosensor coupled with polymerase chain reaction Anal Chim Acta 481 2003 pp 55 64 37 K M Millan Saraullos and S R Mikkelssen Valtammetric DNA biosensor for cystic fib...

Page 13: ... transducers and sensor instrumentations Topics include but are not restricted to Physical chemical and biosensors Digital frequency period duty cycle time interval PWM pulse number output sensors and transducers Theory principles effects design standardization and modeling Smart sensors and systems Sensor instrumentation Virtual instruments Sensors interfaces buses and networks Signal processing ...

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