MINISYSTEM Manual Version 1.5
Page 8
If possible, familiarize yourself with the equipment being tested and the location of
its high-voltage points. However, remember that high voltage may appear at
unexpected points in defective equipment.
Do not expose high voltage needlessly. Remove housing and covers only when
necessary. Turn off equipment while making test connections in high - voltage
circuits. Discharge high-voltage capacitors after shutting down power.
When testing AC powered equipment, remember that AC line voltage is usually
present on power input circuits, such as the on-off switch, fuses, power transformer,
Use an insulated floor material or a large, insulated floor mat to stand on, and an
insulated work surface on which to place equipment. Make certain such surfaces are
not damp or wet.
Use the time-
proven “one hand in the pocket” technique while handling an instrument
probe. Be particularly careful to avoid contact with metal objects that could provide a
good ground return path.
Never work alone. Someone should always be nearby to render aid if necessary. Training in
CPR first aid is highly recommended.
Electrical Safety
CAUTION: Both the Laser Optics Assembly and Laser Power Supply contain electrical
circuits operating at lethal voltage and current levels. Always unplug the system Mains
connection and wait at least one (1) minute to allow capacitors to discharge before
servicing any part of the laser system.
Consult with the manufacturer if repair of the laser electronics is required. Only those trained in
high voltage, high current electronics, and who understand the laser circuitry, should be allowed to
service and repair the laser electronics. If any such action is required, it is recommended that you
contact the manufacturer for details.
Sources of Laser Safety Standards
"Safe Use of Lasers" (Z136.1)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
11th West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036 USA
Phone: (212) 642-4900
"A Guide for Control of Laser Hazards"
American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
6500 Glenway Avenue, Bldg. D-7
Cincinnati, OH 45211 USA
Phone: (513) 661-7881