The HIL Initialize block selects the DAQ board and configures the board
parameters. The HIL Initialize block is named via the Board name parameter,
and all other HIL blocks reference the corresponding
HIL Initialize
through its
name. The HIL blocks will interface to the DAQ specified in the
HIL Initialize
type parameter (qball2).
The HIL Read Write block is used to read sensor measurements from the DAQ
and write motor commands to the four QBall 2 motors. The inputs and outputs
are specified with numeric channel numbers given in Table 6.2 and Table 6.3,
The HIL Watchdog block is used to set the timeout limit for the watchdog timer.
For the QBall 2 DAQ board, if there is no motor output command received for
a consecutive period of time exceeding the watchdog timeout value then the
watchdog will trigger, forcing the motor outputs to 0. The default timeout value
for the watchdog is 50ms unless specified otherwise with this block. This block
can be used to change the timeout value if 50ms is not suitable.
Table 6.1: HIL blocks
Figure 6.2: QBall 2 DAQ board.
QBALL 2 - User Manual