Gyroscopes have become of great practical interest as they are used in control and guidance systems for air, sea,
and space vehicles. The Quanser 3 DOF Gyroscope system can be actuated about all of its frames using the
mounted motors while encoders measure the angle about each axis. In addition, the rotor itself is actuated and
measured in the same manner.
The outer rectangular frame, outer red gimbal and the inner blue gimbal are designed such that they can be individ-
ually fixed in place upon desire. This allows the users to perform a variety of different experiments using the device.
In this laboratory, the gyroscopic effect will be employed to control the angle of the red gimbal by applying the control
command about the blue gimbal. The gray outer rectangular frame will be fixed (see the 3 DOF Gyroscope User
Manual [2] for instructions on how to fix each frame). In order to do this, the rotor has to have acquired enough
angular momentum (RPM) for the gyroscopic effect to take place. Therefore a controller is required to control the
angular speed of the disk while another is required to control the red gimbal angle.
Topics Covered
• Obtain a state-space representation of the open-loop system.
• Design a state-feedback gain for the closed-loop system using the Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) optimiza-
• Simulate the system and ensure it is stabilized using the designed state-feedback control.
• Implement your state-feedback controller on the 3D GYRO system and evaluate its actual performance.
In order to successfully carry out this laboratory, the user should be familiar with the following:
1. Hardware and software requirements given in Section 4.
2. Modeling and state-space representation.
3. State-feedback design using Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) optimization.
4. Basics of
3D GYRO Laboratory Guide