1.1 Description
The Quanser 2-DOF Planar Robot, shown below in Figure 1.1, is a parallel robotic manipulator used to teach robot
concepts such as kinematics and calibration. The robot is comprised of a five-bar parallel mechanism driven by two
DC motors with harmonic drive gearboxes. Motor position feedback for both motors is provided by optical encoders
that measure the angular position of the motor shaft. The five-bar mechanism has a unique end effector that allows
the robot to hold a pen. By actuating the end effector linked solenoid, the pen can be deployed, so that robot motions
are traced on paper below.
Figure 1.1: Quanser 2 DOF Planar Robot system
Caution: This equipment is designed to be used for educational and research purposes and is not
intended for use by the general public.
The user is responsible to ensure that the equipment
will be used by technically qualified personnel only.
1.2 Experiment Overview
Four separate models have been provided with the 2 DOF Planar robot to help you get started.
1.2.1 Setup File
File Name:
This setup file defines many constants limits and gains used in the four demonstration models. This file is run by
each of the demonstration models.
1.2.2 Calibration
File Name:
Model used to calibrate the robot to a know configuration.