using the touch screen on the front panel, or via the Q-Link interface. If the host makes
a request to the RLS during a manual operation, the RLS indicates it is busy until the
manual operation is completed (usually within a few seconds).
Library Partitions
When shipped from the factory, all RLS units are configured as a single library with all
tape drives and storage slots dedicated to random operation. This is generally the correct
configuration for a single system running a library-aware backup application.
However, when multiple hosts are present and each needs to run a library specific
backup application, then the RLS can be sub-divided into smaller
library partitions
Each partition requires at least one dedicated tape drive. Note that when tape drives
are dedicated to sequential operation (sequential, recycle or dual bin) only one tape
drive is allowed to be assigned to each library partition.
The RLS can have multiple physical partitions, which allows separate hosts and thus
separate host applications to have fully separate sub-libraries under their exclusive
control. A partition must have one or more drive slots, and one or more cartridge slots
assigned. Thus, the maximum number of partitions is a function of the resources
assigned to the various partitions, up to the total number of drive slots and the
number of cartridge slots in the Library. Note that a drive slot can be assigned but is
not active unless a drive is installed. Drives, drive slots, and cartridge slots cannot be
shared between partitions.
An individual I/O port slot can only be assigned to one partition. A unit with two (2)
I/O ports doubles the number of I/O port slots that can be assigned to partitions. As
with drives, drive slots, and cartridge slots, I/O port slots that are assigned to one
partition may not be shared with a different partition.
Multiple hosts can communicate with the same partition, via the same physical port
and LUN. Should a host need a separate physical connection to the partition, an
additional drive can be configured for each physical host interface needed.
Encryption Key Management
The RLS-8350 Series enables use of the powerful data encryption capability built into
every LTO tape drive. Simple, easy-to-use, library-based key management allows
Administrators to assign a separate key to each partition. The data on all tapes within a
partition are encrypted and decrypted with the user-supplied key.
Product Description