rEPAir SEt
Paint directly on the mantel unit if necessary.
If any problems are found with the original parts during mantel assembly, such as
the panels cannot be installed with the plastic connector, try to solve by one of the
following methods:
Tools required:
Electric drill, drill bits 3/4 inches (10 mm) or 1/16 inches (2 mm),
pencil, hammer, Phillips screwdriver, safety goggles and gloves (if necessary).
wARNINg: wear goggles before you start drilling.
Use the spare KD nuts, KD screws and plastic connector.
1. Place the plastic connector on the mantel unit and mark the drill-holes as shown in
Fig. A.
Fig. A
2. Drill the holes with diameter 3/4 inches (10 mm) and depth 3/4 inches (10 mm) on
the mantel. Each plastic connector needs 3 holes. See Fig. B.
Fig. B
Fig. C
3. Gently install the KD nuts into the drilled-holes with hammer as shown in Fig. C.
4. Attach the plastic connector and lock in place with KD screws as shown in Fig. D.
Fig. D
Use the small L-brackets and screws.
1. Place the small L-bracket to the unit as shown and mark the drill-holes on the mantel
as shown in Fig. E.
Fig. E