E l e c t r o n i c T e m p e r a t u r e M o n i t o r
1 1
Display the FAN #1 ON temperature setpoint and turn ON the #1 icon.
Display the FAN #2 ON temperature setpoint and turn ON the #2 icon.
Display the ALARM temperature setpoint and turn ON the #3 icon.
Display the TRIP temperature setpoint and turn ON the #4 icon.
Display the temperature inside the ETM.
Display the present oil temperature.
Display the present winding current as a % of full scale.
Display 888 on the temperature display and turn all icons ON.
NOTE: This TEST does not cause any relays to change state.
Pressing the MAX RESET button will clear the memory of the maximum stored
temperature causing the current highest winding temperature to become the new
maximum stored temperature.
Display the FAN #1 ON temperature setpoint and turn ON the #1 icon.
Display the FAN #2 ON temperature setpoint and turn ON the #2 icon.
Display the ALARM temperature setpoint and turn ON the #3 icon.
Display the TRIP temperature setpoint and turn ON the #4 icon.
Display the temperature inside the ETM.
Display 888 on the temperature display and turn all icons ON.
NOTE: This TEST does not cause any relays to change state.
Pressing the MAX RESET button will clear the memory of the maximum stored
temperature causing the current highest winding temperature to become the new
maximum stored temperature.
Figure 5. Front Panel