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If  this is your first valve amplifier please familiarise yourself with some important issues 
surrounding the safe use of  the QUAD II 


Valves Get Hot

Valve power amplifiers generate a lot of heat even with no input so it is vital to ensure 
adequate ventilation for your power amplifiers. QUAD II 


power amplifiers should 

not be placed on a rack; each unit should be on a stable solid well-ventilated surface with at 
least 1m (3ft.) of  free space above. 

Although the protective cage over the QUAD II 


 gets hot it is very unlikely to cause 

a burn. For absolute safety the units should be placed out of the reach of  children and 
pets and away from heat-sensitive objects.

Valve Amplifiers Work at High Voltages

Valves require a high voltage to function. Do not open any of the cases. Also ensure that 
nothing is poked, dropped or poured into an amplifier's case.

The environment should be dry and free from litter. Do not place magnetically or 
thermally sensitive objects (i.e. credit cards or optical discs) close to these QUAD units.

Valves are Microphonic

Because valves are constructed from fine wires and tiny metal parts they can pick up 
external vibrations. If  you place the power amplifiers too close to the speakers the direct 
loud sound may vibrate the valves. 1 metre (3ft) to the side of each speaker should be 
considered a sensible minimum.

Interconnects and Cables

The signal input to the amplifier is via an RCA phono connector. As valve equipment 
works at high impedances, the phono interconnect from the pre-amplifier should be 
screened and of  a low-noise, low-capacitance construction. To minimise capacitance and 
other effects, signal interconnects should be kept as short as possible. 

Choose good quality loudspeaker cable designed for the purpose rather than general 
purpose ‘zip’ or ‘bell’ wire. It should be of  adequate gauge to maximise bass performance.



Before connecting your amplifiers all components in the system must be unplugged 

at the mains and the master system volume control set at zero.

Input Connections

The Quad II 


 must be connected to a pre-

amplifier line output, or to the line output of  a source 
component which has a variable volume control. You 


connect the amplifiers to any source which 

has only a fixed output.

Decide which of  the two power amplifiers is to be the 
left channel and which the right channel and place the 
units in their intended locations. 

Using an appropriate screened RCA phono cable, 
connect the 


socket of each QUAD II 


amplifier to the requisite line output socket of your 
pre-amplifier. As a general rule, the Right channel of 
the pre-amplifier will be colour coded Red, the Left 
channel White or Black. The input interconnects to the 
power amplifiers should be the same length. 

When running signal cables, keep them away from 
sources of  interference. Do not run signal cables 
parallel to cables carrying mains or digital traffic.

230V~50Hz T1AL FUSE

115V ~60Hz T2AL FUSE




Switched Mains

Socket with 

Integral Fuse



RCA  Phono

 Input Socket

Loudspeaker Connections

Strip any outer sleeve from the cable to a depth of  around 40 mm (1.5”).


Strip the top 7mm of  sleeving to expose the bare wire.


If  you are using stranded cable, lightly twist the strands to gather any loose ends.



Partially unscrew the knurled portion of  the terminal to expose the cross hole at the 

terminal base.


Push the bare end of  the cable into the hole. Ensure that the polarity is correct and there 

are no loose strands which could touch adjacent terminals.


Tighten securely.




Connect the Red (Positive) terminal of the loudspeaker to the 


 terminal of  the  

amplifier. Connect the Black (Negative) terminal of  the loudspeaker to the 


 terminal of  

the QUAD II 




Ensure that the Left and Right loudspeakers are connected to the Left and Right 

amplifiers respectively.


Final System Connections

Ensure that the mains switches on the power  amplifiers are switched OFF and that the 
pre-amplifier volume control is at  minimum. Connect the IEC mains leads from the wall 
sockets to the mains inputs on each amplifier. Plug in the mains leads to the other units.


Read this section to maximise the 


 of your 

Quad II


Switch on the power at the wall. Switch on the power amplifiers and other source units.

When the amplifiers have warmed up, the system may be safely used (see below). Warming 
up (or running in) should always be done with the volume control at zero.

Always remember to switch the power amplifiers off  when they are not in use

Running In New Equipment

Most high fidelity equipment works better after it has been run in. With valve amplifiers 
running in is very important. Valve components work at high voltages and temperatures 
and when new they should spend an extended period at those temperatures to bed in. This 
is especially the case with the output valves and the output transformer. 

We recommend a running in period of at least four and preferably twelve hours before you 
first use the equipment. If  you decide to run in your equipment for this extended period, 
make doubly sure that all the safety conditions covered in this manual are fully met. 
Supervise the equipment for the first hour or so and if  you have to leave the equipment 
unattended thereafter, have someone look in every so often to make sure all is well. 

Warming Up Before Use 

Allow at least fifteen minutes for the amplifiers to 'warm up' before use. 

Valve amplifiers need time to reach their correct operating temperature. If you play loud 
music while the system is cold the output valves will not be fully operational and the 
amplifier will be starved of  both voltage and current. The resulting distortion is unpleasant 
to listen to and potentially damaging to the amplifiers' valves and your loudspeakers.

Valve Lifetimes

The valves in the Quad II 


 will perform to specification for years if  used properly.

Valves contain a heating element. This heats up the valve's cathode, which is coated to give 
off  a steady stream of  electrons. After a few years this coating will begin to wear out and 
performance will start to deteriorate. In the QUAD II 


 amplifier the KT66 output 

valves are likely to deteriorate first but the EF86 driver valves will also eventually wear out. 

Do not leave the amplifiers permanently switched on or you will seriously shorten 
the lifespan of  your valves. Always switch the amplifiers off when not in use.

Intensive use of the equipment before it has war med up will also shorten valve life.








