QSW-4700 Series Switches Hardware Installation and Reference Guide
Verifying Operating Status
4.1. Setting up Configuration Environment
4.1.1. Setting up Configuration Environment
Connect the PC to the management port of the switch with an Ethernet cable.
Figure 4-1 Configuring Environment
4.1.2. Connecting an Ethernet Cable
Plug the crystal head of the Ethernet cable into the network port of the PC.
Connect the RJ-45 end to the Console port on your AC.
4.1.3. Setting Parameters
Start the PC and run the terminal simulation program on your PC, such as Terminal on
Windows 3.1 or HyperTerminal on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.
Setting terminal parameters. Baud rate: 9600; Data bit: 8; Parity check: None; Stop bit:
1; Flow control: None. Follow the steps below to set the parameters.
1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications and select
HyperTerminal.The Location Information dialog box will appear.
2. Click Cancel. The Connection Description dialog box will appear.