QT Technologies LLC
QT Technologies LLC (303) 444-3590 FAX (303) 444-8736 Page 10
are shown, the "tuna can" (Veeder-Root -
12V) - the other is the "pipe
bomb" (Western Electronics or OPW -
Manual Mode Operation
Once your QT Technologies pedestal
base has been mounted and the wiring
conduits are stubbed up to the shelf, termi-
nating the high voltage wires to the termi-
nal strip is relatively easy. Simply termi-
nate the appropriate wires to the proper
terminal lug as depicted in Figure 8. Once
terminated, a toggle switch on the Dis-
penser Pump Interface (DPI) board allows
you to operate in manual mode.
Your pedestal has been shipped with a
plexiglas cover over the top to allow it to
remain outdoors prior to terminal head
commissioning. There is no reason to
mount the head prior to commissioning
and in fact there are good reasons not to.
The first and foremost is that leaving the
head out in inclement weather without
power to it can allow condensation to form
around components and possibly void the
warranty. Always check with a QT Tech
Field Engineer before doing anything with
the head.
Grounding Reel Sensor
For those customers who purchase the
Level 2 grounding option, it is necessary to
place a piece of 3/4" internally threaded
conduit right up to the grounding reel so
that the sensor (Shown in Figure 9) can
detect the movement of several magnets
cemented to the reel itself. The tip of the
sensor needs to be positioned so that it is
approximately ¼" from the magnets as
they rotate past. Examine the reel itself
and note if it spins fairly true - if not, the
reel's wobbly movement may damage the
sensor. The two wires from the sensor
connect back to the terminal strip on the
small connector on the DPI board. The ter-
minal code is then configured so that the
transaction is only allowed to proceed if
the grounding cable has been extended.
Site Preparation Checklist
On the following pages is our standard
Site Preparation checklist for the M3000
Basic and M3000 Pro. The M3000 is al-
most identical in terms of Site Prep to the
M3000 Pro except there are no PC re-
quirements so the last page may be ig-
It is required that the customer and/or the
contractor doing the work signs off on
each item as it is completed. Technical
Support is always available to answer
questions and clarify issues as they arise.
Once the work has been completed, each
item has been initialed and the completed
checklist has been signed and faxed back
to QT Technologies which then coordi-
nates travel to the customer's site to per-
form the system start-up. QT Technologies
does not book travel until the work has
been completed and documented so as to
avoid costly delays.
Figure 9—Ground Reel Sensor Installation