BT-Q818 eXtreme Super 51-CH Performance Bluetooth
GPS Receiver
6-6. Start your navigation software
Activate your navigation software and make sure to select the correct “COM Port”.
In the map software such as TomTom, you might need to change preference and
set “Other Bluetooth GPS” according to PDA/phone model. In some case please
consult map software company to vary the setting if you have issue on
There might be specific setting requirement per navigation software. Such as
Tomtom, please delete other GPS settings under Tomtom software, and keep
one only.
6-7. Switch to eXtreme 5Hz sport mode by QstarzGpsView
software application
eXtreme 5Hz sport mode allows your GPS to get the same or even higher positioning
and accuracy ability during eXtreme sports.
NOTE: The default setting for Q818eXtreme is 1Hz. If you are no longer to use
eXtreme 5Hz sport mode, either to switch it from software or to hard reset the
GPS by unplugging the battery for 5 mins.
1. Connect BT-Q818eXtreme with your PC by mini-USB cable.
2. Switch BT-Q818eXtreme to <USB> position.
3. Execute QstarzGpsView.exe from Driver CD “Tools\QstarzGpsView.exe”.
4. Select COM port (refer to 6-5, item 2) and set the baud rate to