What is PowerWave? PowerWave is QSC's patented power supply technology that not only makes power amplifiers more compact, but
also better sounding. You don’t have to settle for conventional "lead sled" designs with hum, sagging supplies, and backbreaking
weight. PowerWave is a win-win solution, giving you heavyweight audio performance in less than half the size and weight of compa-
rable analog power supply amplifiers.
How does it work?
Conventional power supplies operate at 50 to 60 hertz (50 - 60 cycles per
second). This low frequency requires a massive iron core and hundreds of
turns of copper windings. In fact, a conventional 6000-watt amplifier needs a
transformer that weighs at least 35 pounds, contributing to as much as two-
thirds of the amplifier's total weight.
The power supply in the PL6.0 II operates at 90 kilohertz (90,000 cycles per
second). By raising the operating frequency of the power supply, the power
transformer and other magnetic devices can be greatly reduced in size and
weight. Peak magnetic flux density is greatly reduced as well. This minimizes
the possibility of magnetic noise coupling between devices or into cables.
Also gone is the infamous “hmmmmmm” of the idling analog power supply.
Acoustic noise from magnetic devices is practically eliminated.
But how does it sound?
Tighter Bass
A PowerWave transformer has lower impedance and greater
efficiency because its copper windings are short and thick. In essence, it
provides a “bigger pipe” to get electrical energy to the amp’s output circuitry.
The result? A stiffer power supply that delivers chest-pounding bass.
Cleaner Sound
The PowerWave supply in the PL6.0 II charges the rails
180,000 times per second—a vast improvement over 100–120 times per
second in conventional supplies. This high recharge rate minimizes AC ripple
that can degrade sonic quality.
Worried about power supply induced hum?
PowerWave gets rid of it. Completely. The 90-kHz PowerWave supply
eliminates 60 Hz fields that can couple into internal or external audio
So, enjoy the brute power of the 6,000-watt PowerLight 6.0 II, you’ll enjoy
premium performance at less than half the weight of conventional analog
power supply amplifiers!
What’s the difference between the
“new” PL6.0 II and the “old” PL6.0?
The chart, right, compares the two. Output power and AC current consump-
tion are the specifications that have changed slightly. Output power is -0.9dB
at 8 ohms, and -1.04dB at 4 ohms. 2 ohms power remains unchanged. AC
current draw variations are a result of power factor correction removal and
power supply topology changes. These power supply section changes
improve reliability of the amplifier under the most demanding output
conditions. The audio amplifier sections of the PL6.0 II remain unchanged,
assuring the same legendary sound quality of the PL6.0.
QSC PowerWave Overview & What’s Different with the PL6.0 II
QSC PowerWave