Support and Other Resources
Getting Technical Support
After installing your device, locate the serial number on the sticker located on the side of the
chassis and u
se it to register your product at
Registration). We recommend registering your product in QSAN partner website for
firmware updates, document download, and latest news in eDM. To contact QSAN Support,
please use the following information.
Via the Web:
Via Telephone: +886-2-7720-2118 extension 136
(Service hours: 09:30 - 18:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8)
Via Skype Chat, Skype ID: qsan.support
(Service hours: 09:30 - 02:00, Monday - Friday, UTC+8, Summer time: 09:30 - 01:00)
Via Email:
Information to collect
Product name, model or version, and serial number
Operating system name and version
Firmware version
Error messages or capture screenshots
Product-specific reports and logs
Add-on products or components installed
Third-party products or components installed
Information for Technical Support
The following syst
em information is necessary for technical support, please refer to
following for what and where to get the information of your XCubeDAS series model.
Accessing Product Updates
To download product updates, please visit QSAN website: