headphones so it is wise to turn the volume down before scanning the band. You will also want to keep the volume
turned down enough to keep the AGC from activating in the first place.
RIT (receiver incremental tuning)
Momentarily pushing the Tuning knob for less then 1 second will activate RIT.
The display will change to display [ r -0.0 ]
The 'r' indicates RIT mode is active and -0.0 shows the displacement from the transmit frequency, up to + or –
9.9 kHz.
Checking Rx frequency without exiting RIT mode:
Clicking the MENU switch will toggle the receive frequency back to being equal to the transmit frequency. The
display with change to [ = 0.0 ] and the tuning is locked out in this mode. You can however transmit.
MENU switch:
switch is used to access various functions, mostly related to the keyer operation.
Note: When in straight key mode, none of the MENU switch functions are available, with the exception of sending
keyer message 1, assuming a message is already stored in that location.
Menu functions are selected by a repeated “click and release” of the MENU switch. To active a function, simply
stop clicking the switch when the desired function is displayed.
Functions are selected in the following order:
(note, decimal point is always on)
Code speed: Display [ C 2.0]
“Tune” mode: Display [ t . ] Side tone : “T”
DFE mode: Display [ ---.- ] Side tone : “D”
Enter message Display [ --. ] Side tone : “M”
Changing keyer code speed:
The current code speed is shown on the display as [C x.x], where x.x is the current speed. Ignore the decimal
point. The Keyer speed is changed by using the tuning knob. Turn clock wise to increase speed, counterclockwise
to decrease speed. Once the desired speed is selected, exit by clicking the MENU switch.
Tune Mode:
This mode is used if you want to key a steady carrier for measuring power output or when adjusting the antenna
tuner. However if you just need to tweak the tuner, it is quicker and less stressful on the PA to simply send a
string of dots as you fiddle with the tuner.
To enable
tune mode
, click and release the
switch twice until the letter “T” is annunciated by the side tone
and something which looks like a “t” is displayed. The transmitter can now be keyed by closing and holding closed
either the dot or dash paddle. When you wish to return the rig to normal operation, click the MENU switch.
NOTE: there is a minor bug in this routine. The first time you key the transmitter, the side tone starts but the
transmitter doesn't produce any output. Release the paddle and key it again and it will start to work properly.
DFE mode (direct frequency entry)
This mode allows you to go directly to a specific frequency by entering it in with the paddle. This is useful if
you want to make large frequency shifts, which might otherwise take a lot of tuning knob twisting.
To enter DFE mode, click and release the
switch three times. The display will change to [- - -.-] and the
letter “D” will be annunciated by the side tone.
Enter the desired frequency, starting with the 100 kHz digit and finishing with the 100 Hz digit. As each digit
is entered, it will be shown on the display and shift from right to left as additional digits are entered. If a
number is not recognized, a “?” will be annunciated by the side tone. Once the 100 Hz digit is entered, the rig
will re-tune to that frequency provide it is within the normal tuning limits of the current band. If it outside
the band, the frequency at which the rig was tuned to when DFE was enabled will be restored and DFE mode exited.
If you make a mistake or wish to exit the DFE mode at anytime before the 100 Hz digit is entered, you can escape