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Two options for the finished envelope
Before starting, think about how much room you have to install the keyer in your chassis and where you
want to place it. There are two flexible options for building the keyer, from more room available, to least
room available in your chassis. Read thru the instructions carefully and decide which fits your situation
the best.
Option 1 -
Single board, .85”W x 1.50”L x .38”H
Option 2 -
Split connector board and main board, for the most mounting flexibility, joined by 4
jumpers. Connector board .85”W x .56” L x .34”H. Main board .85”sq. x .34”H. The
connector board mounts on the chassis wall, and the main board can mount anywhere
there is access.
With either option, the jack for the keyer or straight key is secured to the chassis using the threaded
ring for the 3.5mm jack, with a second hole for the function button. In option 2 you can simply secure
the main board virtually anywhere inside the chassis using a small piece of foam double sided tape,
and connect the two boards.