Insert IC1, the ATtiny84 microcontroller
It is normal for the IC pins to be angled slightly too
widely. You need to squeeze the pins together in order
to make them fit in the 14-pin DIP socket.
Take great care to ensure that IC1 is plugged in the
correct way around. The dimple on the chip should
match the dimple on the 14-pin DIP socket, and the
dimple on the PCB silk screen. All the dimples should be
closest to the right-hand side of the PCB (when held as
photographed throughout this document).
Plug in the Si5351A Synth module
Finally, the Si5351A Synth module can be plugged in to
the ProgRock PCB.
Ensure that the orientation of the Si5351A Synth module
is correct! It should look like this photograph (right).
Assembly is finished!
Now the assembly of ProgRock and the Si5351A Synth
module is complete! The assembly should look like
these photographs.
5. Connections
All the connections to ProgRock are made at the row of 12 pads along the bottom edge of the PCB. There
are four groups of connections to discuss: Power, GPS, Bank select, and signal outputs.