MDEK1001 Kit User Manual
© Decawave Ltd 2017
MDEK1001 Kit User Manual
Version 1.3
Page 4
Decawave reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. As far as possible changes to
functionality and specifications will be issued in product specific errata sheets or in new versions of this
document. Customers are advised to check with Decawave for the most recent updates on this product.
Copyright © 2017 Decawave Ltd.
Decawave products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a
failure of the Decawave product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death.
Decawave customers using or selling Decawave products in such a manner do so entirely at their own risk
and agree to fully indemnify Decawave and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of
Decawave products in such safety-critical applications.
ESD sensitive device. Precaution should be used when handling the device in order
to prevent permanent damage.
This MDEK1001 evaluation kit based on Decaw
ave’s DW1000 IC & DWM1001 module is intended
solely for use by competent engineering personnel for the purposes of evaluating the use of
ave’s DW1000 IC & DWM1001 module in wireless location and communications systems.
The MDEK1001, as supplied from Decawave, has not been certified for use in any particular
geographic region by any regulatory body governing radio emissions in such regions.
The MDEK1001 is supplied under the following conditions: -
The distribution and sale of the MDEK1001 is intended solely for use in future development
of devices which may be subject to regulations or other authority governing radio emission.
This MDEK1001 may not be resold by users for any purpose.
The MDEK1001 as supplied by Decawave may not be incorporated directly into user
devices or products unless such products undergo the appropriate certification.
Operation of the MDEK1001 in the development of future devices is at the discretion of the
user and the user bears all responsibility for any compliance with regulations laid down by
the authority governing radio emissions in the user’s jurisdiction.
All products developed by the user incorporating the DW1000 or DWM1001 must be approved by
the relevant authority governing radio emissions in a jurisdiction prior to the marketing or sale of
such products in that jurisdiction. User bears all responsibility for obtaining such approval.
If the user has obtained the MDEK1001 for any purpose other than those listed above the user
should return the MDEK1001 to the supplier immediately.
This kit is designed to allow (i) product developers to evaluate electronic
components, circuitry, or software associated with the kit to determine whether to incorporate such
items in a finished product and (ii) software developers to write software applications for use with
the end product. This kit is not a finished product and when assembled may not be resold or
otherwise marketed unless all required FCC equipment authorizations are first obtained. Operation
is subject to the conditions that this device not cause harmful interference to licensed radio stations
and that this device accept harmful interference. Unless the assembled kit is designed to operate
under Part 15, Part 18 or Part 95 of the FCC Rules, the operator of the kit must operate under the
authority of an FCC license holder or must secure an experimental authorization under Part 5 of the
FCC Rules.