7.4 Multimedia Management
The Media Library service scans for photos, music, and videos from designated media
folders and indexes them for usage in multimedia applications. Thumbnails for the media
files will be automatically generated to enhance your user experience as you browse
through them in their corresponding applications.
M e dia Libra ry
Scan Setting: Three options are provided for the media scan:
Real-time scan: New files are scanned in as soon as they are added to media
Scan by schedule: Specify a start and end time for the scan, and it will be
automatically conducted on a daily basis.
Manual Scan: You must click "Scan now" to check for new media.
Set media scanning priority to high: The option will allow the media library to
immediately process media files in order to quickly generate thumbnails. When the
NAS needs to run scan tasks and transfer files at the same time, it will lower the file
transfer speed and prioritize media scan tasks.
Multimedia code page setting: Change this setting to the corresponding code for
non-UTF media files for fonts and characters in the associated applications to be
displayed correctly.
Rebuild media library indexing: By rebuilding the media library, the NAS will scan the