Use QHY163M with Filter Wheel
QHY163M is a monochromatic camera and it is frequently used with color filter wheel. With its M42/2inch
lens mount (this has already been installed on QHY163M), connecting it with QHY color filter wheel will be
simple and quick. QHY163M supports connections both with QHYCFW2-S and QHYCFW2-M.
After you’ve installed color filters for your QHYCFW2-M properly, you can begin to connect it with
QHY163M as shown in the picture below.
First, you need to stick QHY163M into QHYCFW2-M as shown in the picture above. Then you should
screw those three bolts in. At the first time you screw bolts, you may find it a little bit difficult to screw in,
in this case, please make sure that the bolts are pointing towards the center and apply a little bit more of
force. Finally, you should connect your QHY163M with QHYCFW2-M by using DIN4/RJ11 cable, which
is included in the box.
The last thing you need to do before using QHY163M with QHYCFW2-M is to open the link below to
download and install the driver (
) for QHYCFW2-M.
Now, you should be all set. Read the following parts to know how to use QHY163M with color filter wheel
in SharpCap, MAXIMDL, and Sequence Generator Pro.