May 4, 2005
Thank you for purchasing this quality product from Quatrosense Environmental Ltd. (QEL). We want you
to enjoy many years of effective use and protection from your QTS-6100 Series Universal Electrochemical
Toxic Sensor/Transmitter. This manual is intended to provide you with all of the details you need to
properly install, operate, and maintain your equipment.
To properly prepare to install, configure, and start-up your QTS-6100 Series Universal Electrochemical
Toxic Sensor/Transmitter we recommend that you read those sections of the manual before beginning the
work. The sections at the beginning of the manual covering description, specifications, and theory of
operation will provide general background and reference information. Please refer to the sections at the end
of the manual on maintenance, calibration, and troubleshooting before performing these tasks.
Throughout this manual your attention will be drawn to certain information in the following manner:
This will highlight tasks or information important to the proper operation of the controller
This will detail steps that will cause malfunction of the unit if performed improperly
This will indicate critical actions that could cause harm to personnel or damage to the
controller or associated equipment if performed improperly
If you have any questions, or you find any errors or omissions in your manual, please contact our customer
service team at
(613) 838-4005
by phone or fax us at
(613) 838-4018