4. FAQ
Q) I can not control the MENU using MMI
A) You should check whether the prodcut(3G/3G+MMI) suitability with your car
Make sure the MMI cable is properly connected
Q) In Qnavi screen, I choose Navi button but I can not switch to original navigation
A) Check the Dip S/W setting
Q) The PAS line is not working
A) You should check whether the product(3G/3G+MMI) suitability with your car
Make sure the CAN wire is properly connected
Q) I can’t control aftermarket DVD and D-TV
A) Refer to the factory menu on the installed product (if factory menu doesn’t exist, contact product
Q) Touch is not function
A) You should check the touch calibration in the Setup menu and check the if touch panel is not pushing finishing
Q) The product is not working
A) You can Reboot using the original MMI button(return or back-long press)