QABA 342-013 Assembly Instruction Manual Download Page 5

1--4 :Connect No.1 square pipe and No.3 Trampoline foot pipe. (Use 
rubber hammers for inatallation)

5--9 :Install high elastic cushion and high elastic rubber rope


one end of the (7) high elastic rubber rope over the plastic protruding 
from the (2) trampoline foot, then pass through the D button on (6)the 
high elastic cushion one by one

then attach the other end of the (7) 

high elastic rubber rope to a plastic protruding from (2) the foot of an 
adjacent trampoline. After installing one side, as shown in Figure 8, 
then install the opposite side.

10--15 :Install the safety net

Place the (8) safety net on top of the 

installed high elastic cushion, with the six sides aligned, Insert (4) 
Horizontal pipe (round pipe) on top of guardrall into the hole above the 
(2) trampoline foot respectively, Put the (3) Plastic joint on top of (4) 
Horizontal pipe (round pipe) on top of guardrall and (12) hammer it tight. 
Put (5) Guardrail Riser (Square pipe) on the top of the (8) safety net 
respectively, then put it in the (3) Plastic joint.

16--18 :Install bungee protection belt

Install the (11) bungee cord on 

the (3) Plastic joint as shown in Figure 16, Install (10) the bungee 
protection belt on (11) the bungee cord as shown in Figure 17.

19 :Cover the cap.

20 :The installation is complete.

