QT‐AD10A15Transmitter Family
Standby Mode
In this mode the AD10 Transmitter is transmitting a 2.4 GHz heart beat every 1.5 second, and the
Transmitter is not transmitting UHF audio. The Heart beat contains configuration data, such as
current RF frequency, Output power, and Mic Off‐set, and the heart beat also contacts current status
information such as battery level, Mute status and 2.4 GHz channel.
In standby Mode the Transmitter will respond to commands to change parameters, and to turn to the
On or Run mode or Storage mode.
Run Mode
In this state the TX is transmitting UHF audio, and continuing to send 2.4 GHz heart beats every 1.5
seconds. In this state the Transmitter will respond to commands to change parameters, and to turn
to the standby mode or storage mode.
Control and Configuration of AD10 Family of Transmitters
The QG‐H2 is required to view, monitor and make adjustments to any QT‐AD10A15 transmitter within
the control range. It can monitor and/or adjust; the transmitter power state ON or OFF, RF power,
UHF frequency, microphone muting and mic gain, groups, transmitter naming, and other operational
parameters can be remotely configured using the QG‐H2 without physical access to the Transmitter .
Below is a brief outline of the basic functions and method for setting up and configuring the AD10
Transmitter . Fur a complete set of instructions please the user guild for the QG‐H2 Miccommander.
Adjusting Transmitter Parameters
The MicCommander is the user interface of the QT‐AD10A15Transmitter . All user functions are
controllable by the MicCommander or MicControl software. Below are the steps to control the
Transmitter with the MicCommander. For details on how to control the Transmitter with the
MicControl software please see the QG‐N3 Network Gateway user manual.
To get started select a transmitter with the “ENTER” button to view or edit its setting. When selected,
the menu on the left will appear, the menu on the right is accessed by selecting