Refer to structure drawing together with below drawing and
explanation for right operating.
1) Terminal Box Cover Removal
This product has terminal box for power line connection on the
lower part of body.
▪ Remove cover⑧ and terminal box by loosening cover bolt(M5
4EA) ⑦.
2) Wiring Power Line
▪ Connet power line to terminal plate⑨.
▪ Treat the end of power cable by using “O” or “U” type terminal
for safe wiring.
▪ In case of product using AC voltage, connect the line without
polarity(wire color).
▪ In case of product using DC voltage, black line is negative(-).
■ Wiring for LC(External Contact) Type – Custome Made
▪ In case of LC type which selets sound tone by external
contact, power line and signal line come out. Connect each
line as below.
▪ Power Line : UL1015-NO.16(1.25sq) x 2C 400mm
▪ Signal Line : UL1007-NO.22(0.3sq) 400mm
▪ In case of product using AC voltage, do not allow power
supply either to common line or to signal line..
3) Treating Power Entry
▪ Keep the tightness of power entry⑩ by using water-proof
connector(15C Nipple is supplied as a standard
specification) or cable grand.
▪ Product can be damaged by water or dust if the cable entry is
exposed outdoor without airtightening.
4) Terminal Box Cover Assembling
Assemble terminal box cover in reverse order of separating.
▪ This product is water-proof and anti-corrosion type for
outdoor use. But, install with vertical direction at a place or
machine where exists no big vibration and no strong impact as
long as possible.
▪ Refer to below information and drill necessary mounting holes on
profitable part of the product.
(Make sure PCD from external view drawing.)
▪ Fix the product by using mounting bolt(M8-4EA) for SEDLR &
SDLR and another mounting bolt(M10-4EA) for SMDLR.
▪ This product is explosion-proof, water-proof and anti-corrosion
type. When separate and assemble the product for wiring, repair
or check, keep the airtightnees of the product by tightening each
bolt and nut.
▪ If using voltage is seriously higher or lower than rated voltage, it
can reduce the self-life of the product or can cause a problem
on product operating. Make sure the using voltage does not
/- 5% of the rated voltage.
▪ If lens or body of the product is contaminated by chemicals such
as thinner, benzene, the product can be damaged, discolored
or deformed. Please be careful.
▪ Keep airtightness of cable entry by using water-proof cable
grand or water-proof connector. Product can be damaged by
water or dust if the cable entry is exposed outdoor without
▪ Do not give strong impact to the product. It can be a reason of
part(s) damage or short circuit.
▪ Do not strongly pull the wire out from the product. It can cause a