The wLS is a relatively simple system and is easy to operate. The following is a checklist should the product
does not operate as expected.
Unit does not power up — nothing appears on the pod screen.
Is the power jack fully inserted in the wLS head? Is the mains lead fully inserted in the DC power
supply? Is the mains supply switched on?
Display does not respond to any button presses.
Is the pod connector fully inserted in the wLS head? Was the pod connector inserted after power up?
If so, power down and power up again once pod connector is fully inserted to reboot the system.
LEDs fail to switch on with message on screen “Hot Lamps.”
LEDs are overheating so check that there is sufficient clearance for airflow around the wLS head.
Check that the ambient temperature is below the maximum operating temperature. Check that there
are no local heat sources close to the head. Listen for the fan switching on. It should not run
continuously, only when deemed necessary by the system's thermal management controls. If the fan
does not operate with all the LEDs on and set at maximum intensity, then there is an internal fault
and the unit must be returned to QImaging for repair.
Illumination appears to be weak.
Are the intensity settings on the pod turned up? Has the single optical setup procedure for the wLS
been followed? Is the microscope set up correctly? Check for shutters and apertures being open and
for appropriate filters and cubes. If microscope previously used a mercury or metal halide lamp, check
for damage or frosting of optics in light path.
The Illumination is not uniform over the field of view.
If the center of the field-of-view is brighter than edges, readjust the focus lens (Step 3 previous page)
to ensure homogenous illumination. If the illumination appears off center, carefully slacken off the
fixing retaining the wLS onto the epi-port and rotate the head while viewing the field of view. If the
illumination offset follows the rotation, then the optics within the wLS have lost their alignment,
possibly through mishandling and the product will need to be returned to QImaging for realigning. If
the illumination offset remains unchanged when rotating the light source, then the problem is within
the microscope and a person competent with microscope servicing will need to investigate the cause
of the problem.
©2015 QImaging. All rights reserved.
03-0027 Rev A3
Contact QImaging Customer Service for additional information: 1-800-874-9789 or www.qimaging.com
The wLS requires little or no
maintenance throughout its
life. There are no field
serviceable parts to there is
no need to remove the
covers. Cleaning of the
external surfaces can be
carried out with a mild soap
and water used to lightly
dampen a lint-free cloth.
Ensure that no liquid is
allowed to enter the
product through vents and
panel edges. Avoid optical
surfaces. Cleaning of optical
surfaces maybe necessary if
debris or fingerprints
accidently come into
contact with the lens during
installation. In the first
instance remove any loose
debris with an air duster
(aerosol or rubber blower).
Fingerprints or other liquid
type contaminants should
be removed using standard
lens cleaning procedures.
Do not flood the lens
surfaces with fluid as liquid
could enter the product and
cause damage.