© 2 0 0 2 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
Command Page
When a command (arm/disarm, remote start, or auxiliary
channel) from the remote control is sent and received, the system
will send a command page back to confirm receipt.
Alarm Page
If the alarm system is triggered while armed, an Alarm Page will
be sent to the remote control. After receipt of an Alarm Page, the
LCD icons will display the alarm system status information and
the remote control will generate Alarm Page alerts.
An Alarm Page alert is a single beep or vibration from the remote
control every 60 seconds to alert the user that the alarm system
was triggered and will continue until the alarm page is cleared.
Page Recognition Mode
The remote control will leave a zone icon illuminated when it has
received a triggered response and will wait for you to recognize
the violation. Press any button on the remote control, the LCD
information and Alarm Page alerts will be cleared.
The remote control buttons will not send a com-
mand to the system until the alarm page is cleared.
If the transmiter is paged with an Alarm Page and
the WarnAway
is triggered before the Alarm Page is
recieved the transmitter will report the WarnAway
until the system is disarmed.
When the system is in Valet mode, the remote con-
trol will show the lock (5) and unlock (6) icons, but will
not generate a command page.